Thank you every single one. Laughter joy unhappiness quarrels etc.
Thank you for everything. More coming right? (L) Love you all!

MOK WANTING: Going to be 18years. Wow.Don't have to say much because there will be many years ahead. More disputes more stuffs that we will be going through together and whatsoever.
Hope your 2010 would be a good one. Loveyou

Pen: Can't exactly tell you how much you mean to you although I always 'bully' you hehee
I miss us. Your child's godmom i chop chop already ehehe. hearts you(L)
Please tell me every single thing next time k!

CHIAYI: Sa, Sometimes I don't like you, yknow? HAHA jk.
Rachel:us: 1:1 right?! eheheee. Start lovin' us. You know how much
we mean to you~ heheee.~ I can't believe you've been my good friend
for 5years. Thanks for listening to my crap always. hehe
I'll start replying your ' good morning world' msg more often:p

TING: Babe. Nothing much to say because you know what I wanna say already,
Thank you for everything every single thing. Luv you!
I wanna be best friends with you until very very long.
Glad that we're still as close. Thank god. Love you ttm!

Everybody(L)-minus bird, xx, nichchaw & hund(?) I THINK.

Finally my lovely darlings.
Lydia michtan Lilyporn. Sorry for my stubborn-ness always.
Sorry if I did anything to hurt any of you. Esp lily :'( Hope you'll
do well in your studies and everything.& All the best with tuyu.
Loveyou still. Hope we still will be close (; Hang out more k!
Lydia: I hope.. you'll just be happy. 我的老婆啊. Very glad that
we'll like that now. Ehehe I'll skip all the unhappy stuffs.
You'll as important always. & we'll be going through
many more things. :D Loveyou dia! (;
Michtan: Lol, cannot get emo sia idk why. Stop being GL to me.
And stop preventing me from shaking my leg! Tyvm.
Thanks for always being my listening ear.(; Thanks for everything
althou you always very bad to me :p But i still luvluv you~ HEHE

Hello. It's 2010. Mix feelings. After Os.. Working.. spending time with my loves.. getting closer to my family. knowing them even more despite that we're family. Matured I think, I've learned alot more in the year 2009. Cannot be described in words, the feeling that I'm feeling now while writing this post.
Be it unhappy things or happy things. I hope the year 2010 would be a better year. I'm glad that life have been treating me kinda good. The friends I've lost, the friends I've gained. Thank god for giving me such a lovely bunch of
poly mates, accompanied me through the sucky moments. Not forgetting my sec school friends.(L) you guys very much.
K don't wanna get too emotional. HAHA. Anw, am really happy and contented with everything I have now.
Sooooooo yeah, spent my new years eve with my sec school flends :D Went to school to have csas, then subway with my loveloves~ Then homed to take a nap. Then went to meet the rest at turf city in the evening :D I went there all by myself thanks sa for the guide :p Had a not really good dinner :p Bus-ed to tang's house! And watched tv...etc. Till don't know when everyone started drinking. K.O, tyvm.
Cabbed home in the morning. Anw tell me how much is the plain prata. LOL. OMG i slept for straight 17hours. I like (L)
Today: Saturday... breakfast! Then off to ikea to meet dardar they all(L) missed them so much. Chiong-ed k dramas and had home made pasta and green been soup for dinner, i love my family to the max.! (L)