Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Bzee buzzy
Very bz manzzzz. LOL. After exams over, like even buzier, Anw, met up with mich tan ystd LOL, great. (; Lazy to eleborate, we went to vivo for lunch at kimgary then over to tiong. Then coffeeclub. Then ikea, then homed :D We ate the kids meatball meal, very nice !! And cheap $.$ cabbed home after that (;
K back to drama rama lama! :D
K back to drama rama lama! :D
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Holidays are here, woooots
HEHE, at the hotel just now. Had dinner there to celebrate the end of my exams :p Luv my family to the max can <3!!!
Hehe, she just woke up, love you<3!
Actually there are still manymany more. Heee. I'M GODDAMN HAPPY Y'KNOW, TILL YOU CANNOT IMAGINE (;
K, Today, on the 26th of august, wednesday. MARKS THE END OF SCHOOL, AND EXAMS AND START OF 2MONTHS HOLS. MY GOD, I'M NOT DREAMING :D IT'S FINALLY HERE. WOOOOO. K, anw, sorry for the endless not replied/late replied text msg-es to all my darlings. Cuz I'm damn frustrated, thus, forgot to reply :/ Maths paper today was quite goood:D I truly read through the questions for Amaths, like ystd only LOL, can you believe it. Had tuition, for an hour then chiong all the way till 12plus then tadah~ Amaths paper. K ENOUGH SAID.
Rejected Jo's movie date :p cuz no feel althou I'm damn happy like mad, so went over to 18chefs for lunch, then to popo's house! Everybody is at home :D Miss them like mad plzzz. Then slacked.. Then over for dinner at Brio's :P Hehe, sashimi was good :D The endddd.
I miss my friends. Sorry if We haven't been communicating, we'll start from now kay :D Loveyou guys :D
I'll miss my Tp friends heh. Althou We'll still meet during hols :p
Anw, My parents really love me alot, I love you tooooo!!!! k madness i know hehe
Friday, August 21, 2009
Did I mention that, I'm very much satisfied with my life now.? Yes very much. Need to plan for hols already, abit too ganchiong huh. LOL who cares~ I wannnna go do volunteering. Anyone interested.? (; HEH.
I'm planning for Thailand every min and second. Even just now during the paper. Anw.. just now during the paper, I forgot to shade the thingy you know, omg, until the tcher say pens down then I rmb-ed, but i.. did it in the end, of cuz.
Darren and Darlynn's having fever :( omg. Get well soon babies! (L)(K)(H)
I'm planning for Thailand every min and second. Even just now during the paper. Anw.. just now during the paper, I forgot to shade the thingy you know, omg, until the tcher say pens down then I rmb-ed, but i.. did it in the end, of cuz.
Darren and Darlynn's having fever :( omg. Get well soon babies! (L)(K)(H)
Hello. Been quite busy lately, haven't been able to use the comp. So just a short update about everything. It's exam period now so yeah, stressdays, finally here. BUT, weds is coming soon, really can't wait. I hope i can get a B for inorg... Althou last min study was Zz. & I blanked out. It could be the worst thing that could happen during exams.. :'( My 6marks... Sigh.
Subway with Lian and steph after school @ T1. Then met momma at fareast. I bet you guys didn't know that there's this apartment linked to fasteast. (; Creepy. Like those apartments in Jap horror. HAH, seriously!
K, gna try to study for HAP. Muz ace lah walau. Sigh
Weds, come, quickly!! & I realized I haven't been contacting my beloved girlzzzz. Miss you guys :( Study hard :) & oh, Mokkie is coming back!!!! :) to sg for hols heheeee, happehz!
Subway with Lian and steph after school @ T1. Then met momma at fareast. I bet you guys didn't know that there's this apartment linked to fasteast. (; Creepy. Like those apartments in Jap horror. HAH, seriously!
K, gna try to study for HAP. Muz ace lah walau. Sigh
Weds, come, quickly!! & I realized I haven't been contacting my beloved girlzzzz. Miss you guys :( Study hard :) & oh, Mokkie is coming back!!!! :) to sg for hols heheeee, happehz!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
It's damn amazing, that, it's 316am now. And I'm still awake. Not watching youtube. It's doing Amaths... I've been at it for hours, better give me at least a B. Or else I confirm cry T.T
I'm damn tired, gna sleep soon! Ting is still having bbq (?) Stunation right. HAH
kay, love.
I'm damn tired, gna sleep soon! Ting is still having bbq (?) Stunation right. HAH
kay, love.
Bores me
HI. Mundane. Saturday. ZZ. Spent the whole time on youtube and studying.. as usual. And sorry to cut in, NB, I'm printing my humanbio notes and thankyou manz, it's the wrong side. Whalau eh, I feel damn effed up now, in your asss. ZZ. Had dinner @ the macs. Downloaded a few nice songs. Which made half of my day. Drank mango juice. And I'm getting damn angry over lil things. :( But eh I can be happy over lil things too kay. Anw, I.. watched the makings of. Junpyo's show( I forgot the title, hah). I was damn happy. But I missed wo cai, sian.
Life, could you treat me abit better, pretty please?
Life, could you treat me abit better, pretty please?
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Study week time.
It's study week already, so quickly, one sem is gone.
Studying now, with JJ's songs accompanying me. Damn nice, this session will be productive, i love sogou! :)
I'm gonna work towards this big dream of mine.
-Anw last night was damn fun. Pics on fb. Sorry if my blog is boring or dead. Now exams what!
Studying now, with JJ's songs accompanying me. Damn nice, this session will be productive, i love sogou! :)
I'm gonna work towards this big dream of mine.
-Anw last night was damn fun. Pics on fb. Sorry if my blog is boring or dead. Now exams what!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Joy to the world
Very tired. Of studying. But I can do it. I hope everyone will not dabao any module. Srsly.
Had Amaths tuition juz now so I won't have to dabao it. Josephine's damn funny! ^^ So yeah, I'm gna start on inorg chem now. Sorry SA, I will send the piczos to you the day I finish my semestrals kay! Peace (L)
Anw, met Mich juz now lunched @ swensons, cuz.... Csas was cancelled. Johanna treated us pizza today! Shes the best tcher ever, We took a class piczo after that! ;) K, very tired but I'm gna revise for pipc tmrw! I can't believe the days are nearing.. the days that I'll hang out with my dearest qtss people. I miss you guys, srsly T.T I haven't seen Joey/Jiawei/Valerie for a very long while, hope they'll doing well. HA. Kay enough said.
I miss Mokkie+Ting+Dia.. and etc. We'll hang out during hols kay,( See you next year mok, Wo ai ni! :D) I crap alot in this post. Kthxbye.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The pledge @ 8:22
How many of us have long forgotten the meaning of our pledge and have blindlessly followed the crowd for the past don't know how many years, juz bcuz you were forced to. Repeating the same old thing for 10years i think. (primary school + sec school) I bet you were juz recite-ing it, so that you could hurry back to your classes.
I'm juz like everybody else. But today, I don't know why, Whole family excitedly waiting for 8:22 to come. & we all did recite together. And it was truly when i kinda understood the pledge, after so many years of being a sgrean. (LOL) Such a failure right.
Anw, the cake was good! (Y) Dark choc! HEH. Hope everyone enjoyed themselves today :D I wanna go to marina bay to watch the fireworks next year !!
I'm juz like everybody else. But today, I don't know why, Whole family excitedly waiting for 8:22 to come. & we all did recite together. And it was truly when i kinda understood the pledge, after so many years of being a sgrean. (LOL) Such a failure right.
Anw, the cake was good! (Y) Dark choc! HEH. Hope everyone enjoyed themselves today :D I wanna go to marina bay to watch the fireworks next year !!
Eye candey.
She's damn childish (; HAHA. Kay shuts. Hope you will be forever 'pretty' HAHA. :D Love you much! Hope you'll enjoy tmrw, no more presents, we've gotten you alr(; hope you like the cake tmrw xoxo!
Today was goood! Met ting like finally!!! She say when i blog about her i sound like I'm not very happy AHHA. So yeah!!!!! I'm damn happy kay babe!!! HAHAHA. K, went over to bk to have dinner! Sorry that, i was late :( I know you still love me very muchie. LOL. Chatted and went over to the flea to take over jo!She calls ting the webcam women, cuz we web-ed in school before HEH(; The entire flea was boring~ tiring and sweaty. Ended at 9 plus. And lydia came with madi. :p I sent ting to the bustop and went to BQ with them over @ the harry's. It was cheap. LOL. Then homed. NB don't wanna talk bout it alr, dad came to pick me after that.! pics tmrw!:D
Anw... should i put braces? I can't stand your cutenesss !!!!!!!!! Omg :(
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Life's more than just this.
I think it's now time, to get my priorities right in life. I need to find my goal in life. I actually don't know what I'm heading for and everything. Like why am i actually in poly, slogging my ass off everything that i think it's impt. Yes, i mean it's impt of cuz, in a sense that, it's the first step to building my future and everything. But i mean, that's not exactly what i want. Ahhhhh i don't know how to put it through to you guys. But good grades are not exactly what i want, hate the competition in school and everything it's so sickening at times. Like in sec school it's competing like mad, in poly, the same old thing comes again, turns me off sometimes. But somehow, you know it's like a push to doing well. Yes i know, irony, But life is an irony, right?
So, what are my priorities in life, what are yours? What do you really want? Sometimes when i see people with that posts flooded with the relationships they are having, I mean is that really juz all that you want? There's just gotta more than this right? Needa set my goals. Focus till exams end, till the last lap.
During holidays, I'll give this goals-in-life-thing a thought or so. I cannot live my life mindlessly anymore, following the crowd blindly. K that's settled. For now, I'm gna start studying on sfp. I don't care if you say i'm so hardworking but after everything, it's all wasted if i don't exactly do well. Cuz I know some people say that just to put me down. It's actually better than not studying and flunking, that's my thought in the past. But now no, I'll give my best to everything I do.
I hope everybody will give a thought to this post if you are as lost as me. Let's work hard together, kay? :)
So, what are my priorities in life, what are yours? What do you really want? Sometimes when i see people with that posts flooded with the relationships they are having, I mean is that really juz all that you want? There's just gotta more than this right? Needa set my goals. Focus till exams end, till the last lap.
During holidays, I'll give this goals-in-life-thing a thought or so. I cannot live my life mindlessly anymore, following the crowd blindly. K that's settled. For now, I'm gna start studying on sfp. I don't care if you say i'm so hardworking but after everything, it's all wasted if i don't exactly do well. Cuz I know some people say that just to put me down. It's actually better than not studying and flunking, that's my thought in the past. But now no, I'll give my best to everything I do.
I hope everybody will give a thought to this post if you are as lost as me. Let's work hard together, kay? :)
Hi!!! Abit lazy to upload pics leh, next post. ^^V
Anw, ystd was a good day, skipped hap tut :D and woke up at 11 plus, when i received the news that there's no sfp tut as well, shiok not ? (;
I went to school @ bout 2 plus, then went to the library to find yingsiew they all. Studied (; and laughed like shit in the library, took piczozzz (; And sansin came! Studied awhile more and went for the paper. It was quite okay (; thank god. HAHA. All the studying was damn last minute. HAHA. Went over to popo's house after that. Had free dinner(; darlynn and darren, damn cute!(;
Went over to meet sasa chia after that.@ bugis, she's forever damn naggy-.- acc her to have dinner @ mac. Then went over to clarkequay central :) To meet huimin and huijia. Then over to boat quay, sang :D & drank! Then over to clarke quay again, sat over at the river. Then homed (; HEH. Thanks for cabbing me home :D They went over to changi after that wth-.-
Anw, I'm gna work at the flea later on! @ clarkequay! Come kay! 7 to 10 :D HEHEHE.
I'm damn scared .... the practical on tues!!!!!! Damn scared, I don't even know how to on the oven :( shucks
Anw, ystd was a good day, skipped hap tut :D and woke up at 11 plus, when i received the news that there's no sfp tut as well, shiok not ? (;
I went to school @ bout 2 plus, then went to the library to find yingsiew they all. Studied (; and laughed like shit in the library, took piczozzz (; And sansin came! Studied awhile more and went for the paper. It was quite okay (; thank god. HAHA. All the studying was damn last minute. HAHA. Went over to popo's house after that. Had free dinner(; darlynn and darren, damn cute!(;
Went over to meet sasa chia after that.@ bugis, she's forever damn naggy-.- acc her to have dinner @ mac. Then went over to clarkequay central :) To meet huimin and huijia. Then over to boat quay, sang :D & drank! Then over to clarke quay again, sat over at the river. Then homed (; HEH. Thanks for cabbing me home :D They went over to changi after that wth-.-
Anw, I'm gna work at the flea later on! @ clarkequay! Come kay! 7 to 10 :D HEHEHE.
I'm damn scared .... the practical on tues!!!!!! Damn scared, I don't even know how to on the oven :( shucks
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Think my blooody internet is hinting me to start studying :( Internet totally is a fucktard!!!!!!! OMG Keep dc-ing. I can't watch my youtube :( Damn bua song now :(
He said she said,
Hello! Hehehe, first paper's hap, on the.... 21st of august. Scared.
Anw, Juz came back! After lessons, went over to meet the angry mich HAHA, then went to holland V, then met bird :D Went over to essential brew, did my revision and chatted :D very nice. I like. Then cabbed:D to mich's house:D dropped bird @ vivo, and yeah slacked. She's damn happy cuz her new bed came. Momma's bday is on sunday very excited!!!! Should i bake cake? No time alr leh -.-
Andddddd, sooo cute so cute!!!! I can't stand it!!!! HAHA. The braces is the killer (!!!) ^^V
Anw, Juz came back! After lessons, went over to meet the angry mich HAHA, then went to holland V, then met bird :D Went over to essential brew, did my revision and chatted :D very nice. I like. Then cabbed:D to mich's house:D dropped bird @ vivo, and yeah slacked. She's damn happy cuz her new bed came. Momma's bday is on sunday very excited!!!! Should i bake cake? No time alr leh -.-
Andddddd, sooo cute so cute!!!! I can't stand it!!!! HAHA. The braces is the killer (!!!) ^^V
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Don't ask me why,
A few pics, the others is in my phone. Lazy.
Guys are jerks, double confirmation. I think some part of me has this hatred for guys (lol)
Friday to sunday was tiring and fun. & plus i lazy use comp.
Fri : After Maths stat, was to find Mich @ tp library, Kay she's pissed cuz she waited for so long, sorry la :p Then we took damn long to decide where to go and what to do while msn-ing dear. Kay, finally decided on tiong. Then went to rahjah inn, I miss this place. Actually spending a friday @ tiong isn't that bad. Left after that, on my walk home... Sa called and yeah next, i was @ the cab stand waiting for them to pick me. Went over to boat quay for some drinking session. Played the dice games whalau drank, luck is not on my side, left @ 1 plus. Hm cabbed me home, the moment i reach the lobby I saw Weiling, So coincidental! She came for a partaye, alot of angmohZ eh. :p
Sat: Went out with family of cuz :D to suntec... with darlynn and popo. Had lunch @ bedok then headed down. :p Walked alot and everything It was fun. After that, went to meet yiyi Uncle and darren @ some laksa steamboat restaurant, It rlly wasn't fantastic and expensive ttm. Went over to macs to decide on the hotel in thailand, had dessert there and homed @ 11plus! Reached home at twelve plus. :D
Sunday: Received a call @ 12 plus then rushed to Lydia's house, :( Cheerup kay love you very much. After that, forced mich to meet us, then we cabbed to her house to fetch her then to harbour mac cuz i haven't eaten my breakfast or lunch!!! :( Then hund came and left, shifted to hans after that.. And they ate. Then madi came then tang. LOL. I left after madi came :p
K done with the post damnit!! Bye