LOL tang!& me juz wanna take ice nia.

DOM&ZHU! (luv her shirt!!)
HELLO! Omg... needa update already!!!
LOL. buzy buzy this weeek :D
where did i go on monday sia...
let's update from today..
well... today... met up with lily dear and mich :D
welll... they refuse to tell me bout the plan today:(
so... yeah. found out juz today!
we get to deco our very own cake! pictures very soon k!:)
yeap.. we went to jp at boonlay wtf.
had lunch at thai express~~
then walk around to get their presents!:D
stop by at haagen dasz for icecream!
then went to deco cake! left at 8plus
then went vivo to find birdie:D
had kfc for dinner! :)
then homedd~~
went out with LILY!
to town :)
ps then fareast...
shopped abit!!! :D kekeke^^
spent great quality time tgt! miss her laaah:(
kekekeke^^ went home early too ~~:)
went to sp to appeal-.-
but.... long story la.
lost my result slip so can't appeal...-.-
then met jiawei and adel!
headed to eastpoint to study! LOL
had lunch!:D then studied lorh...
&, i love yeo jiawei la... :) ehehhehe.
thanks for the letter,love you many.
& my stm not so jialat! Muacks! :)
well.. after that.. went to meet mich at tm!
after her school LOL.
ate beehoon for dinner yummy!
and sat alot & took bus back to popo's hse!
they were gambling :DLOL!
can't help to say... I REALLY REALLY LUV MY FAMILY!
:) especially my popo:D :-*
Darren baby got fever too:( poor boy! :(
met val... at jurong east for the training which was fucking early la.
LOL.. after that went to have brunch... at cafe cartel couldnt even finish at least half:(
val also man(!!!!) :O
met jiawei and gdf at fareast where i got my tights... :)
yeah... and what did i buy.. i bought something but forgot LOL.
met dear and lily after that for dinner :D at esplanade!:D
love them man!! fun fun fun!!!
then homedddd:)
forgot? think i stayed at home ehehhehe:)
okie.. done!